

Day 1: Introduction to JavaScript

Code Examples:

// Example 1: Hello, World! console.log('Hello, World!'); // Example 2: Writing JavaScript in an HTML file // Save this code in an HTML file (index.html): <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>JavaScript Intro</title> </head> <body> <h1>Welcome to JavaScript!</h1> <script> console.log('Hello from the browser console!'); alert('Welcome to JavaScript!'); </script> </body> </html>

Day 2: Variables and Data Types

Code Examples:

// Example 1: Variable declarations let name = "Alice"; const age = 25; var isStudent = true; console.log(name, age, isStudent); // Example 2: Data types let number = 42; // number let greeting = "Hello"; // string let isHappy = true; // boolean let nothing = null; // null let notDefined; // undefined let person = { firstName: "John", lastName: "Doe" }; // object console.log(typeof number); // number console.log(typeof greeting); // string console.log(typeof isHappy); // boolean console.log(typeof nothing); // object (quirk of JavaScript) console.log(typeof notDefined); // undefined console.log(typeof person); // object

Practice Task:

  • Declare variables for a fictional character (name, age, occupation, isAlive). Use console.log to print a summary.

Day 3: Operators and Expressions

Code Examples:

// Example 1: Arithmetic operators let x = 10; let y = 5; console.log(x + y); // Addition console.log(x - y); // Subtraction console.log(x * y); // Multiplication console.log(x / y); // Division console.log(x % y); // Modulus // Example 2: Comparison operators console.log(x > y); // true console.log(x < y); // false console.log(x == "10"); // true (loose equality) console.log(x === "10"); // false (strict equality) // Example 3: Logical operators let a = true; let b = false; console.log(a && b); // false (AND) console.log(a || b); // true (OR) console.log(!a); // false (NOT)

Practice Task:

  • Write a program that takes two numbers and outputs whether the first is greater than, less than, or equal to the second.

Day 4: Control Flow (if-else, switch)

Code Examples:

// Example 1: if-else statement let number = 10; if (number > 0) { console.log("The number is positive."); } else if (number < 0) { console.log("The number is negative."); } else { console.log("The number is zero."); } // Example 2: switch statement let day = 3; switch (day) { case 1: console.log("Monday"); break; case 2: console.log("Tuesday"); break; case 3: console.log("Wednesday"); break; default: console.log("Invalid day"); }

Practice Task:

  • Write a program that asks for a user's favorite fruit (e.g., apple, banana, orange) and responds with a specific message using a switch statement.

This code provides engaging examples and tasks to reinforce the concepts. Let me know if you need further explanation or additional examples!

You said:
now give me all day step by step code
ChatGPT said:

Here’s a step-by-step JavaScript code plan for all 15 days, following the lesson plan I provided earlier. Each day's code is accompanied by a task for students to practice.

Day 1: Introduction to JavaScript

// Console message console.log('Hello, World!'); // Browser alert alert('Welcome to JavaScript!');

Practice Task:

  • Open the browser console and log your name and age.

Day 2: Variables and Data Types

// Variable examples let name = "Alice"; const age = 30; var isEmployed = true; // Data types console.log(typeof name); // string console.log(typeof age); // number console.log(typeof isEmployed); // boolean // Undefined and null let notDefined; let empty = null; console.log(typeof notDefined); // undefined console.log(typeof empty); // object

Practice Task:

  • Create variables to store a book's title, author, price, and availability.

Day 3: Operators and Expressions

// Arithmetic operations let a = 10; let b = 5; console.log(a + b); // 15 console.log(a - b); // 5 // Comparison console.log(a > b); // true console.log(a === b); // false // Logical operators console.log(a > b && b > 0); // true console.log(a < b || b > 0); // true console.log(!false); // true

Practice Task:

  • Create a program to check if a user is eligible to vote based on their age.

Day 4: Control Flow

// if-else example let score = 75; if (score >= 90) { console.log("Grade: A"); } else if (score >= 75) { console.log("Grade: B"); } else { console.log("Grade: C"); } // switch example let day = 2; switch (day) { case 1: console.log("Monday"); break; case 2: console.log("Tuesday"); break; default: console.log("Invalid day"); }

Practice Task:

  • Write a program that checks if a number is even or odd.

Day 5: Loops

// For loop for (let i = 1; i <= 5; i++) { console.log(`Count: ${i}`); } // While loop let j = 1; while (j <= 3) { console.log(`While Count: ${j}`); j++; }

Practice Task:

  • Write a program to print the multiplication table of 7.

Day 6: Functions

// Function declaration function greet(name) { return `Hello, ${name}!`; } // Arrow function const add = (x, y) => x + y; console.log(greet("Alice")); console.log(add(5, 3));

Practice Task:

  • Write a function to calculate the square of a number.

Day 7: Arrays

// Array methods let numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4]; numbers.push(5); console.log(numbers); let squared = => num ** 2); console.log(squared);

Practice Task:

  • Create an array of names and print each name in uppercase.

Day 8: Objects

// Object example let car = { brand: "Tesla", model: "Model S", start() { console.log("Car is starting..."); } }; console.log(car.brand); car.start();

Practice Task:

  • Create an object for a person with properties like name, age, and greet method.

Day 9: DOM Manipulation

// HTML: <button id="btn">Click me</button> document.getElementById('btn').addEventListener('click', () => { alert('Button clicked!'); });

Practice Task:

  • Add an input field and a button. Show the input value in an alert when the button is clicked.

Day 10: Event Handling

// HTML: <input id="input" /><button id="btn">Submit</button> document.getElementById('btn').addEventListener('click', () => { let value = document.getElementById('input').value; alert(`You entered: ${value}`); });

Practice Task:

  • Create a form with validation for non-empty input fields.

Day 11: Async JavaScript

// Fetch API example fetch('') .then(response => response.json()) .then(data => console.log(data)) .catch(err => console.error(err));

Practice Task:

  • Fetch and display the user information from an API.

Day 12: ES6+ Features

// Destructuring let person = { name: "Alice", age: 25 }; let { name, age } = person; console.log(name, age); // Spread operator let nums = [1, 2, 3]; let newNums = [...nums, 4]; console.log(newNums);

Practice Task:

  • Refactor previous tasks using ES6+ features.

Day 13: To-Do List App

// HTML structure: <ul id="todoList"></ul><input id="todoInput" /><button id="addBtn">Add</button> document.getElementById('addBtn').addEventListener('click', () => { let input = document.getElementById('todoInput').value; let list = document.getElementById('todoList'); let li = document.createElement('li'); li.textContent = input; list.appendChild(li); });

Practice Task:

  • Add delete functionality for each task.

Day 14: Quiz App

// Simple Quiz Example let questions = [ { question: "What is 2 + 2?", answer: 4 }, { question: "What is the capital of France?", answer: "Paris" } ]; questions.forEach(q => { let userAnswer = prompt(q.question); console.log(userAnswer == q.answer ? "Correct!" : "Wrong!"); });

Practice Task:

  • Add a score counter to the quiz.

Day 15: Wrap-Up and Q&A

  • Review all concepts and encourage students to ask questions.
  • Discuss potential projects like a portfolio site or a simple game.
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